Cars and Boston Cremes

Monday, April 10, 2006

How do you spell that again? (Do-over)

Parents hey. Honestly. Now I know that I'm not the first one to pick up on and/or be annoyed by this, but really, enough is enough.

Our local paper recently ran a photo segment of classes of kids attending their first day at school. Aw cute. Their names were also published. In one class of about twenty children, only two had names that were not either:

1. oddly spelt, eg Alacksandrah;
2. made up, eg Tarlisha or;
3. just strange. eg Ben. Or Emma. I mean, really.

Two kids I met a while back (siblings) had the delightful names of Jaryd and Ysobel. What, someone thought the letter Y was underused? Ok, it probably is, but can you imagine these poor kids' lives?

"Ysobel with a Y."
"Oh, um, ISOBELLY?"

"It's Jaryd with a Y."
"YARED? Shouldn't that be pronounced Yared?"

Not to mention all the concocted names they're coming out with these days. The number of Kalishias and Tanissijahs and Aaliyahs who will go through their entire lives with people (probably themselves) misspelling and mispronouncing their names is just amazing.

I had the chance to read a trashy women's magazine a a few weeks ago, and never being one to pass up such an opportunity, noted that Katie Holmes objected to Tom's choice of name - something to do with the inventor of Scientology. Apparantly she "feared" there was a chance the child would be ridiculed because of its name. Well yeah. It was a bizarre name, the kid would be teased right out of its crib.

But I don't see why that would bother her. It is seriously uncool for a celeb's child to have a 'normal' name. When you live in Hollywood surrounded by Apple, Coco, Honey-Boo and Toyota-Cola, how would it look if your kid's name was, like, Jessica?

Seriously. However, I have had it pointed out to me that changing your birth name by deed poll is is really a very simple process. And I forsee a sharp rise in the number of people taking advantage of a system which allows them to reverse the horrortheir unthinking (or perhaps they thought too much, when they should have kept it simple) parents inflicted on them in the prior eighteen years.


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