The Cost of Life
I feel the need to buy something.
A watch.
Colour my hair blonde.
Buy a new laptop.
Holiday to NZ.
A cruise. Somewhere.
Hair straightener.
More seasons of something on DVD.
Vegetable garden.
Holiday to Ireland.
Buy a new room.
Clubbing shoes.
Running shoes.
What do y'all think?
A watch.
Colour my hair blonde.
Buy a new laptop.
Holiday to NZ.
A cruise. Somewhere.
Hair straightener.
More seasons of something on DVD.
Vegetable garden.
Holiday to Ireland.
Buy a new room.
Clubbing shoes.
Running shoes.
What do y'all think?
At 9:51 PM,
aboynamedjimmy said…
Watch: Time is already passing by too quickly. Do we really need to be reminded of it?
Blonde: Why not? A little change is good. I did it once myself.
Laptop: Make sure and shop around. You know how quickly electronics like that become obsolete.
NZ: Sounds good. Can I go? lol
Cruise: To NZ. Still sounds good.
Hair Straightener: Another thing I tried. Didn't look right on me. Hopefully you'll have better luck.
DVD's: I'm all for this. My email isn't "the_dvd_infidel" for nothing.
Veggies: Does a body good.
Ireland: Can't stand leprechauns. They crawl up your pants leg and start poking at you...never mind.
New room: Which room do you put a new room into, and what happens to the old room? (cue Twilight Zone theme)
Clothes: Definitely. New clothes can make you feel like a brand-new person.
Clubbing shoes: You got an enemy you feel like clubbing?
Running shoes: After clubbing someone, running may be a good idea.
Well, that's MY thoughts. ;-)
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